BGI Group in genomics, a branch of molecular biology focusing on the core elements of genes and their interactions, is an ever-evolving field with a massive potential for discovery and development. BGI, a world leader in genomics research, provides comprehensive tools and resources to meet the demands of the industry. BGI Group’s sequencing and genomics products are designed to unlock the power of data to reveal and shape the future of life.
BGI Group in Genomics Overview
BGI Group has helped to revolutionize the field of genomics with its suite of genomic and sequencing technologies. The group provides state-of-the-art products and services for a wide variety of genomics applications, from targeted genetic sequencing to large-scale, proteonomic studies. BGI Group in Genomics platforms, including the HiSeq, MiSeq, CGAT, and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, offer unparalleled speed, accuracy, and precise results.
BGI Group in Genomics Features
• High-quality sequencing andgenomics products to enable precise data generation, analysis, and interpretation.
• A suite of products including NGS, targeted sequencers, CGAT andMiSeq.
• Comprehensive sequencing and biological analysis services to meet diverse research needs.
• Complete oncology products and services to enable pharmacogenomics, cancer biology, and biomarker discovery.
Technical Details
• High Throughput Sequencing (HTS): BGI Group’s ultra-high capacity sequencing platforms enable large-scale sequencing projects with unparalleled speed and accuracy.
• Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs): BGI Group’s products and services enable assembly, detection, and understanding of single-nucleotide variants.
• Copy Number Variants (CNVs): BGI's tools make it easy to detect and analyze copy number variants across a variety of samples types.
• Bioinformatics: Comprehensive bioinformatics tools and pipelines to enable efficient data interpretation.
BGI Group in Genomics Pricing
BGI Group in Genomics products and services are priced on a per license basis, with discounts available for larger orders. Prices are also based on the project size and complexity.
Industries Served
• Pharmaceutical
• Biotechnology
• Diagnostics & Medical Devices
• Academic & Research Institutions
• Agriculture
Customer Type
• Pharmaceutical Companies
• Biotechnology Companies
• Diagnostics and Medical Device Companies
• Government Agencies
• Academic & Research Institutions
• Clinical Laboratories
• Agriculture Companies
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