SOURCE BIOSCIENCE in Genomics Overview
SOURCE Bioscience is a leading provider of genomics research products, services and solutions that enable customers in a variety of industries to access the latest advances in genomics technologies. The company offers a wide range of products and services that cover the key areas of genomics research, including genomic sequencing and analysis, gene editing and gene expression, bioinformatics and data analytics, gene library and array products.
SOURCE BIOSCIENCE in Genomics Features
• Comprehensive suite of genomics research products - offering a wide range of products and services for all areas of genomics research.
• Expertise in Sequencing and Analysis - providing high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics solutions, including next-generation sequencing and array platforms.
• Robust and scalable gene editing solutions - offering gene editing reagents and platforms that allow for precise and efficient gene editing.
• Cutting-edge solutions for data analysis - offering advanced analytics and data mining tools to help organize and interpret genomics data.
• Custom library and arrays - providing custom library and recombinant arrays for a variety of specific research applications.
• Genotyping solutions for various species - offering genotyping solutions for various species, including humans, organisms, cells, and tissues.
Technical Details
• Source Bioscience technology solutions offer high throughput sequencing, gene editing, and data analysis capabilities.
• The company’s advanced methods in DNA sequencing, analysis and bioinformatics enable customers to develop and refine genomic product solutions.
• Source Bioscience also offers a gene library product that enable customers to access large panels of recombinant DNA collections.
• The company’s array solutions enable customers to analyze numerous genetic markers in any organism or individual cell type.
SOURCE BIOSCIENCE in Genomics Pricing
• Source Bioscience provides customers with a variety of pricing options, which can be tailored to specific research needs.
• Prices start at $3,000 for sequencing and gene editing services, and range up to $50,000 for comprehensive genomics packages.
Industries Served
• Source Bioscience serves a variety of industries, including biopharma, agriculture, medical, and life sciences research.
• These industries rely on the company’s genomics technologies and research solutions to develop and refine products, analyze data, and discover new genetic markers.
Customers Type Served
• Source Bioscience caters to customers from a wide range of backgrounds, from individual researchers to large academic and commercial organizations.
• The company’s solutions are suitable for researchers in the fields of human genetics, medical research, biotechnology, and animal science.
• Source Bioscience also works with pharmaceutical companies to develop and refine genomic-based therapies and treatment options.
SOURCE Bioscience is a leading provider of genomics research products, services and solutions that enable customers to access the latest advances in genomics technologies. The company offers solutions ranging from high-throughput sequencing and editing to bioinformatics and customized libraries, and serves customers from a wide range of backgrounds. With competitive prices, a commitment to innovation, and extensive expertise in the field, Source Bioscience is the go-to provider for genomic research solutions.
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