eSuite Pricing & Demo

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eSuite Human Resource Software provides total business solutions for web-based talent management that help firms with tracking, recruitment, performance management, and so on. It is developed with simplicity, a seamless process that handles interfaces, accounting structure, reporting, and software support. eSuite Human Resource Software performs offsite backup with fully automated redundancy. This software meets the special needs of companies in distributing, fashion, logistics, food distribution, wholesale, and so on.

eSuite Pricing

The eSuite pricing is in line with leading competitors in the Human Resource Software market. It is divided into 3 different options for business to choose from. Option A starts at $45 monthly, option B - low upfront starts at $90, and option 3 starts at $135 monthly. The services are charged based on, on-time and material basis that is at $200 per hour.

eSuite Demo

This software doesn’t have any free demo version for users to make use of it. Thus, only eSuite pricing needs to be accessed to understand how this software works and what the user can expect from it. The pricing details will be provided on their website.



Total Solution- This software provides you with all in one single consistency system and avoids disruptive integration. Users can make use of one contract for all the software support needs in full swing. 

Flexibility- This is the most useful, flexible, and customized ERP Solution to meet business needs in one place. Features like data entry, interfaces, accounting structure, BI Reporting, and mobile application all utilized in one space.

Reliable Approach- It provides real-time support to business and performs a function in a matter of seconds with just one touch. It is fully automated, provides email marketing solutions, manages, and secures your data without any damage to it. 

Fast and Effective- The Pricing does justice with the fast system design and training videos that can help you master it. Users with the ease to access it can make fewer mistakes, on-time reporting, immediate transactions all at the workplace.


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eSuite Reviews


James Smith

May 08, 2020

“Customer-focused Software”

It allows a business to focus on the customer and handle the complexity of the business day to day work easily, without letting us worry too much.
Useful (0) Not useful (0)

Buyer, Manufacturing, SME

May 08, 2020

“Better Clarity”

Business has better numerical clarity and thus, makes an effective decision for employees, through this software.
Useful (0) Not useful (0)
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