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Leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 CCUS Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players Fluor, Schlumberger, Honeywell, and Aker Solutions into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the CCUS arena. These four companies have solidified their positions in the CCUS quadrant through their substantial contributions to the field. Their relentless efforts in reducing ca... Read More
MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Sustainable Packaging Companies," classifying industry players WestRock, Ball Corporation, Aptar Group, and NatureWorks into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the sustainable packaging domain. These four companies have solidified their positions in the sustainable packaging quadrant through their substantial contributions to the field. Their relentless efforts and commitment to improving their ... Read More
MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Sustainable Packaging Companies," classifying industry players Crown Holdings, Tetra Laval, Sealed Air, and Plastipak into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the sustainable packaging domain. These four companies have solidified their positions in the sustainable packaging quadrant through their substantial contributions to the field. Their relentless efforts and commitment to improving their pr... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Milliken as a market leader in the "Plastic Additives 360 quadrant". Milliken has a strong focus on research and innovation in plastic additives. They make large investments in the creation of innovative additives that improve the functionality and sustainability of plastic materials. Milliken has offices and manufacturing sites spread over the globe. With such a vast consumer base, they can cater to the needs of different regional markets. The business... Read More
 MarketsandMarkets has released 360 Quadrant for Top 20 PU and PU Foam Companies, Worldwide 2023 to help businesses make quicker and more informed decisions. Companies' market presence and product footprint are used to build quadrants, which will be revised annually. The market for polyurethane foam is anticipated to increase from USD 42.8 billion in 2021 to USD 61.5 billion by 2026, with a predicted CAGR of 7.5% between 2021 and 2026. The market is expanding primarily because of the... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Lubrizol as an innovator company in the "Personal Care Ingredients 360 quadrant". Lubrizol is a leader in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of specialty chemicals. The company has a significant position in the market for personal care ingredients and provides a diverse array of cutting-edge goods there. Lubrizol offers chemicals for Skin care, hair care, sunscreens, and oral care. They are a one-stop shop for cosmetic and personal care maker... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized BASF as a market leader company in the "Personal Care Ingredients 360 quadrant". BASF is a pioneering global leader in personal care ingredients and reflects its dedication to innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity. With a focus on R&D, a broad range of premium ingredient offerings, and a global footprint, BASF continues to influence the personal care sector. By offering cutting-edge solutions that adapt to the changing demands of the p... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Albemarle as contenders in the "Plastic Additives 360 quadrant". Albemarle is processing raw materials into vital components for connection, energy, transportation, and health. Flame retardants, which are crucial elements in plastics used in applications requiring fire resistance, such as construction materials and electronics, are an area of expertise for Albemarle. They are positioned as a major participant in the market due to their specialty. Albema... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Adeka as an emerging company in the "Plastic Additives 360 quadrant". Adeka Corporation's comprehensive strategy in the plastic additives sector demonstrates its remarkable journey as an emerging leader. Through innovative product offerings, a diverse portfolio, strategic investments, and forward-looking sustainability initiatives, to solidify its position as an emerging leader, Adeka has made strategic investments to expand its production capacitie... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized BASF as a market leader in the "Plastic Additives 360 quadrant". BASF provides a broad range of plastic additives for various applications. BASF has invested a lot in increasing its production capabilities. These investments strategically match the expanding global demand for plastic additives. In a time when sustainability and environmental responsibility are becoming more and more important, BASF's dedication to eco-friendly solutions positions it... Read More