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MarketsandMarkets has released Top 15 Adhesive Tapes Companies, Worldwide 2023 to help businesses make quicker and more informed decisions. Companies' market presence and product footprint are used to build quadrants, which will be revised annually. The global adhesive tapes market size was USD 80.2 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 110.6 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 5.6% between 2023 and 2028. The market growth can be attributed to the high demand of healthcare and electrica... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has unveiled the 360 Quadrant for the Top 19 Adhesive and Sealant Companies Worldwide in 2023, designed to assist businesses in making swift and well-informed decisions. Quadrants are constructed based on companies' market presence and product footprint, and they will undergo annual revisions. In 2023, the global market size for adhesives & sealants reached USD 76.5 billion, with a projected growth to USD 95.0 billion by 2028 at a noteworthy CAGR of 4.4%. The expansi... Read More
Leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Smart Grid Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players ABB, Eaton, Landis+Gyr, and Honeywell into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the Smart Grid arena. These four renowned companies have solidified their positions in the Smart Grid landscape through their commitment to achieving better resilience, reducing carbon emiss... Read More
Leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Smart Grid Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players Siemens, Wipro, Sagemcom, and Kamstrup into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the Smart Grid arena. These four renowned companies have solidified their positions in the Smart Grid landscape through their commitment to achieving better resilience, reducing carbon emis... Read More
Leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm MarketsandMarkets unveiled the 360 Quadrant for "Top 7 Blue Hydrogen Companies, worldwide 2023" classifying industry players Aramco, Shell, PETRONAS, and Xebec Adsorption into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the Blue Hydrogen arena. Blue hydrogen, a promising energy source, has emerged as a vital element in the transition towards a more sustainable future. Produced through a process that... Read More
MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 3D Printing Materials Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players Carpenter Technology, Sandvik, Proto Labs, and BASF into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the 3D printing materials arena. These four renowned companies have solidified their positions in the 3D printing materials landscape through their unwavering commitment to material innovation, quality control, compatibility, c... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Parker Hannifin as a Contenders company in the "Membranes 360 quadrant". In the global membranes market, Parker Hannifin, a leader in motion and control technology, is making substantial progress. With a robust product line, growing market share, and a targeted expansion plan, Parker Hannifin is putting itself in a great position to compete in this industry. A focused growth strategy is in place at Parker Hannifin with a focus on both organic and inorga... Read More
MarketsandMarkets recently released its highly anticipated 360 Quadrant on "Top 21 Smart Grid Companies, Worldwide 2023," acknowledging the exceptional achievements of IBM, Oracle, SAP, and Xylem in the smart grid industry. These companies have been recognized for their significant contributions and leadership in driving the advancement of smart grid technologies on a global scale. Their extraordinary efforts in propelling the Smart Grid sector forward have rightfully earned them recog... Read More
MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 3D Printing Materials Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players General Electric, GKN Powder Metallurgy, Materialise, and Huntsman into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the 3D printing materials arena. These four renowned companies have solidified their positions in the 3D printing materials landscape through their commitment to material innovation, quality control, compatibilit... Read More
Leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 3D Printing Materials Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players 3D Systems, Höganäs, Formlabs, and Solvay into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the 3D printing materials arena. These four renowned companies have solidified their positions in the 3D printing materials landscape through their unwavering commit... Read More