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MarketsandMarkets has recognized Mann+Hummel as an Innovator in the "Membranes 360 quadrant". In the market for membranes, Mann+Hummel, a pioneer in filtering solutions, is establishing new standards. Mann+Hummel isn't just playing in the market; it's leading it due to an innovative product portfolio, a solid market position, and an ambitious expansion plan. The expansion strategy of Mann+Hummel is just as cutting-edge as its offerings. To create the next-generation membrane te... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized DuPont as a Market Leader in the "Membranes 360 quadrant". DuPont is excited to announce its hegemonic position in the world membranes market. DuPont is a global innovation leader in technology-based materials. With a broad range of products, a strong market position, and a well-thought-out growth strategy, DuPont has succeeded in becoming the industry leader in this field. With activities in more than 70 countries, DuPont has a significant global marke... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Filtration Group as an Emerging company in the "Membranes 360 quadrant". A rapidly expanding developer in filtration solutions, Filtration Group is making its imprint on the world membranes industry. Filtration Group is becoming a firm to watch in this cutthroat industry thanks to its attractive product line, expanding market presence, and dynamic growth approach. The growth strategy of Filtration Group is laser-focused and uses both organic and inorgan... Read More
MarketsandMarkets, a leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, revealed its 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Flexible Packaging Companies, Worldwide 2023”. This classification places industry players like TC Transcontinental, UFlex, Cosmo First, and Gualapack into distinct categories reflecting their significant contributions to the flexible packaging sector. These four companies have firmly established themselves in the flexible packaging landscape by consistently emp... Read More
MarketsandMarkets, a leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, revealed its 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Flexible Packaging Companies, Worldwide 2023”. This classification places industry players like Sonoco, Aluflexpack, ProAmpac, and Novus into distinct categories reflecting their significant contributions to the flexible packaging sector. These four companies have firmly established themselves in the flexible packaging landscape by consistently emphasizing innov... Read More
MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 CCUS Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Linde, TotalEnergies, and Eni into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the CCUS arena. These four companies have solidified their positions in the CCUS quadrant through their substantial contributions to the field. Their relentless efforts in reducing carbon emissions, advancing CCUS technology, and fosteri... Read More
MarketsandMarkets, a leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, revealed its 360 Quadrant for the "Top 21 Flexible Packaging Companies, Worldwide 2023”. This classification places industry players like Berry Global, DS Smith, PPC Flexible Packaging, and Wihuri into distinct categories reflecting their significant contributions to the flexible packaging sector. These four companies have firmly established themselves in the flexible packaging landscape by consistently... Read More
MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 CCUS Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players ExxonMobil, Halliburton, Equinor, and General Electric into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the CCUS arena. These four companies have solidified their positions in the CCUS quadrant through their substantial contributions to the field. Their relentless efforts in reducing carbon emissions, advancing CCUS technology, and fostering s... Read More
MarketsandMarkets has recognized Ashland as a contender company in the "Personal Care Ingredients 360 quadrant". Ashland is a strong contender in the market for personal care ingredients due to its strategy focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer interaction. In this very competitive environment, Ashland is not just surviving, but growing thanks to well-planned long-term and short-term tactics. Ashland is positioning itself for long-term success and increasing the standard fo... Read More
Leading sector research, growth advisory, and analytics firm, MarketsandMarkets unveiled 360 Quadrant for the "Top 17 CCUS Companies, Worldwide 2023," classifying industry players Fluor, Schlumberger, Honeywell, and Aker Solutions into distinct categories that reflect their exceptional contributions to the CCUS arena. These four companies have solidified their positions in the CCUS quadrant through their substantial contributions to the field. Their relentless efforts in reducing ca... Read More